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    Making Merit in Saraburi Province

    The entrance to the temple grounds was a thing of beauty filled with spiritual promise.

    My wife (Yoo), brother-in-law (Vichai), and niece (Par) and I went to Saraburi province today to make merit.

    We participated in ceremonies and left donations.

    There was much beauty everywhere we went.  The smell of incense filled the air.

    It was a day reflecting on what the Buddha said: wake up.

    Who designs these cave temples? Fantastic!

    The entrance to the underground temple.

    One can partake of Chinese numerology cards in the underground temple.

    The underground temple had some wonderful Buddhas.

    It was cool inside the cave.

    It is such a surprise to find Buddas in a cave.

    The cave extended quite a distance under the cliff.

    Down and around we went.

    It seemed around every turn a new Buddha grotto could be found.

    Someone is tending all of these subterranean altars.

    Yes.  The someone is a "cave hermit" and this is an alter to him.

    This is the only underground Chedi I have ever seen . . . . and I have been in many underground and cave Buddhist temples.

    Some of the Buddha altars were quite spooky.

    Even though it was a hot day, fan sales were slow in the temple courtyard.

    As this was a special day for worshiping, merchants set up a makeshift markets outside the temple gates.

    Beans, lentils, and split peas are in season.

    There is nothing like Thai Chinese Temple Roastin' Ears (TCTRE) on a 100 degree day.  Trust me.

    The most moving part of the day was passing out alms to the aged indigent poor of the area.  It was humbling and heart-rendering.

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    Reader Comments (1)

    Beautiful photos, nice photo narrative of your day there. Wish I could have joined. I once drempt about a cave hermit who gave me a casette player. I never did find out what was on the tape.

    March 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKirsten Harper

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