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    « Road Trip USA: Oregon Camping - Silver Creek Falls | Main | Hot Rods! »

    On an Oregon Filbert Farm

    Out n the farm, just north of Keizer, Oregon, a storm approaches.

    Western Oregon in mid-Spring . . . breathtaking beauty.


    I am staying with a friend who keeps bees on his 'hobby' filbert farm.


    A large puff of flowers being pollinated . . .


    Busy bees from the farm's bee hives.


    Bees are not the only  insects that carry out pollination duties . . . flies do to.


    Wild clover growing at the fringes of the orchard and gardens.


    Late in the afternoon . . . one small shaft of light found it's way through the bushes to find this one hidden flower.  WOW!


    Such a lovely variety of magnificent flowers all around the farm.


    A whole world in one flower . . .


    Ravishingly beautiful . . .


    So many flowers . . . I wish I knew the names of all of them.


    Many flowers showed signs of flowering for a long time . . . as there were many stages of development all on the same stalk.


    Deep red . . .


    And a salmon rose . . .


    A yellow marvel hidden deep in the reeds . . .


    Oh my!  The patterns!!!


    I have to always keep an eye open for this mean, aggressive rooster.  He will attack without eating!


    Nature's flower arrangements . . .


    Busy bees all across the many flowers in the garden . . .


    I love these bursts of life . . .


    A never-ending landscape of flowery bouquets . . .


    It is hard to believe these waxy flowers are real . . .


    Tiny flowers in the deep grasses.


    While some plants throw out many, many blossoms, others offer only a few brilliant targets for pollination.


    The back garden . . .


    Busy bees . . .


    A busy bee getting lost in the white folds . . .


    Lovely green . . .


    Lovely berry blossoms . . .


    It has been lovely staying out in the Oregon countryside.


    Flowers everywhere . . . down in the bottom of the garden's ground cover too.


    A tiny world of flowers.


    Afternoon . . . .


    Late afternoon puffs of white . . .


    Oregon is known for its rhododendrons . . . 


    The farmhouse.


    A nutty farmer . . . er . . . a farmer of nuts.


    Some of the filbert orchards.


    Specialized filbert harvesting equipment: sweeper (left) and harvester (right)


    The last of this kind of early-blossoming flower . . .


    I was completely infatuated with these purple beauties!


    There were so many of these on one bush.




    So green . . . it becomes purple!!!


    The last of these messy orange flowers.


    Astonishing beauty!


    Ready to burst.


    Morning opening . . .


    Opening in morning's  first light . . . fully open by afternoon!


    In all phases . . .


    The center exposed.


     . . . and fully open!


    More pink wonders.


    I LOVE these happy little things . . .


    A magnificent purple Iris!


    Remarkable variety of flowers in the garden.


    Many different kinds of rhododendrons all over the garden.


    Gorgeous rhodies!


    The rhododendron must be the most 'flower-full' of all bushes!


    The variety of colors of the rhodies is amazing.


    Red rhododendrons too.


    Bright salmon-colored rhodies . . . 


    I sometimes took photos of the same flower at different times of the day . . . in different light.


    Small delicate little sprites of color!


    A spray of pretty pink flowers.


    I was sometimes surprised by new bursts of blossoms . . . where there had been none only a few days before!


    These beautiful 'ornamental cherry' flowers came right out of the trunk only a foot off the ground . . . not on the limbs and branches!


    I LOVE flowers and am always happy when I am in a garden . . .

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