Road Trip USA: Lake Tahoe, California: Hiking the Rubicon Trail

Two days of hiking the Rubicon Trail along the mountains of Lake Tahoe, California, USA.
Day One: Around the Lighthouse Trail, along Emerald Point, to Calawee Cove Beach . . . . and back on the ridge trail.

Day Two: Walking the South portion of the Rubicon Trail past the Vikingsholm and along the shore of Lake Tahoe.

With a tourist boat in the background, some friendly ducks came to sit on a rock.

Update on Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 7:07AM by
Dr. Jeff Harper

Yes, we saw wildlife in Lake Tahoe . . . but it was all around the house!
The hummingbirds enjoyed the feeder. They will leave soon on a migration ahead of the coming snows.
A busy little fellow.
A challenge to the feeder perch.
A visiting white egret.
This one was hunting fish . . . and eventually caught one that was too big to swallow whole!
My host told me there were black bears living in the neighborhood, but this did not prepare me for the excitement of actually seeing one standing in the front yard! This is a real 450-500 pound bear! I had the wrong lend for the low light situation, and was so excited that I didn't check my settings! Oh no! I choked!
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