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Backyard Macrophotography Experiment

So, I added a couple of extension tubes to my Canon 5D Mark II and put on my favorite macro lens, the Sigma 70mm f2.8 EX DG, and headed to the back yard.


We are just now at the beginning of the "damn hot and damn wet" season, so there were new buds coming out all over.


Depth of field is an issue with macro photography.  I decided not to use a tri-pod, as there seemed to be a lot of light.  Of course, I needed f16 for some of these shots . . . but couldn't because of camera shake.  Still, I used the lack of depth to my advantage . . . I think.


These tiny red blooms coming up out of the green mist is a nice effect.


Some flowers I only see once a year, like these arbor blooms.


These pink wax flowers seem more animal than plant when the come out . . .


. . . they eventually produce these thick, waxy pedals . . .


. . . and look like this when they have been through their cycle.  Always beautiful.


We have orchids all year round.


My super macro study (with the extension tubes) did not really work out all that well.  I will need a completely calm afternoon with lots of bright sunlight and a tripod to do this right.  More to come.

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  • Response
    Response: Daniel Lacin
    What a beauty!

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