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    Thailand Photos: A Study of Splash Spirits

    On my recent vacation back home in Thailand I took a walk along the Gulf of Thailand shore to take some seascape shots.


    I took a number of photos of the low surf crashing against a retaining wall.  As I zoomed my camera view screen to see if it was a clear shot, I noticed something interesting . . . .


    . . . there were astounding patterns and forms in the splashes.


    Each wave splash created an ethereal and aesthetic world that passed with the gravity it had defied.


    These were not large phenomena, maybe only a foot or two high.


    But I was mesmurized by their fleeting beauty.


    Patterns in patterns, shapes within shapes.




    Some of the captures were suitable for artistic post-processing, including a black and white study:


    [All photos captured with a Fuji X-Ti and 56mm f1.2 lens]

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